Navtech Conference
Navtech is produced by Colibri Northwest. December 4-5, 2024, in Seattle, WA.
As of December 2, 2024.
Opening Remarks: Peter Philips, Colibri Northwest
CAPT Paul Amos, American Pilots’ Association
CAPT Richard Madden, Masters, Mates & Pilots
CAPT Lindsay M. Price, Women Offshore Foundation
CAPT Frank Vargas, American Seafoods
CAPT Wesley Moore, Sabine Pilots
Dr. Scott Beatty, PhD, MarineLabs
Tommy Mikkelsen, Trelleborg Marine & Infrastructure
John Patterson, Artemis Technologies
CAPT Chris Yarbrough, Savannah Pilots Association
Jon Kjaerulff, MITAGS
Liam LaRue, National Transportation Safety Board
Brian Tetreault, US Army Corps of Engineers
Jon Dasler, David Evans and Associates
R. David Lewald, US Coast Guard Headquarters
Gerald Thornberry, US Army Corps of Engineers
Darren Wright, NOAA Office of Coast Survey
CAPT Jonathan Samuell, American Pilots’ Association
Michiel Versteeg, Saltchuk
George Burkley, Maritime Pilots Institute
Christian Hempstead, Hempstead Maritime Training LLC
Chuck Stoffer, UHU Technologies
Brendan O’Shea, American Pilots’ Association
John DePersenaire, Viking Yachts
VADM Mike Connor, USN (ret), ThayerMahan
Dr. Caroline Good, PhD, NOAA
CAPT Tim Lagarde, Associated Branch Pilots, Port of New Orleans
CDR Tonya Lim, USCG, Sector Columbia River
CAPT Jeremy Nielsen, Columbia River Pilots