Navtech Conference
Navtech is produced by Colibri Northwest. December 4-5, 2024, in Seattle, WA.
CAPT Paul Amos, American Pilots’ Association
CAPT Kevin Doyle, F/V Global Defender
RADM Jeffrey Garrett, USCG (ret) CAPT Sean Meagher, M/Y Latitude
Michael Bergmann, Tototheo Maritime
R. David Lewald, USGSCAPT Russ Shrewsbury, Western Towboat
Chuck Stoffer, UHU Technologies
CAPT Jorge Viso, American Pilots’ Association
CAPT Cedric Beaumelle, Laurentian Pilotage Authority
CAPT Philippe Kaufmann, Pilotes St-Laurent Central
Dale Marsh, AD Navigation
Jakob Poulsen, Trelleborg Marine & Infrastructure
Brian Tetreault, US Army Corps of Engineers (INVITED)
Jason Creech, David Evans & AssociatesMiya Pavlock, NOAA, Office of Coast SurveyGerald Thornberry, US Army Corps of Engineers
Darren Wright, NOAA, Precision Marine Navigation
Jon Kjaerulff, MITAGS
CAPT Dan Jordan, Columbia River Pilots
Derek Moss, Iridium Communications
CAPT Jonathan Samuell, Houston Pilots
CAPT Morgan Turrell, Director, NTSB Office of Marine Safety
Paul Kirchner, American Pilots Association
CAPT Alain Arseneault, National Center of Expertise on Maritime PilotageCato Eliassen, Kongsberg
Elspeth McMahon, Old Dominion University
George Burkley, Maritime Pilots Institute
Dr. S Keith Martin, USACE, ERDC
Sarah Scherer, Transportation Institute
Rachel Aronson, Maritime Blue
Clay Diamond, American Pilots Association
John Hollingsworth, Marine Exchange of Alaska
Peter Philips
Colibri Northwest
(206) 779-2746